Visual Identity of the exhibition "Portraits of Architects - Retrospective exhibition of
from 1953-2010" from ULUPUDS - Association of fine and applied artists and designers of Serbia
Graphic visual identity and the book of Architecture done for one month exhibition
and disscution platform of architecture in Serbia. Typographical project insists on the
monumental importance of architects and architecture in Serbia, from 1953 to 2010.
Two Awards recieved for the project.
Official logo of the Visual identity
The book, 350 pages, the cover
The book, inside, opening chapters
Visual identity - Poster, Flyer, Invitation
Bilboards, posters for the windows of the exhibition space
Visual identity, bilboards - view of the exhibion space from the central street of Belgrade, Knez Mihailova ulica
Redesign of the visual identity for the same exhibition of Architecture, organised in another city (Novi Sad, Serbia),
july 2011.
Booklet with the pocket for the cd